Functional Nutrition Therapy Services
Restore your youthful energy, improve your nutrition and lifestyle habits, and create your vibrant good health.
Functional Nutrition Therapy is a unique healthcare modality that looks at lifestyle, exercise, and stress management, using our one-of-a-kind Functional Diet Analysis technique to optimize your health and reduce risk of chronic disease.
We provide individualized supportive care tailored to your needs to help create a lifestyle that minimizes the effects of common chronic conditions, including:
- Blood sugar imbalance and diabetes
- Thyroid problems and Hashimoto’s disease
- GERD, IBS, and celiac disease
- Small intestine bacteria overgrowth (SIBO) and other forms of GI dysbiosis
- Cardiovascular disease and hypertension
- Cognitive decline and dementia
- Immune dysfunction, autoimmunity, and cancer
- Food allergies and sensitivities
- Healthy weight maintenance and obesity
Just as no two people are exactly alike, no two health plans are exactly alike. Plans are individualized to fit your unique lifestyle and situation.
Healthy Body Weight Loss
Healthy weight is a natural “side effect” of an individualized nutrition plan.
When metabolic health issues are addressed the body naturally moves back to a healthy weight and body composition. There are many factors that can positively influence weight, such as:
- Focus on food quality rather than quantity using Functional Diet Analysis
- Healthy, natural, daily movement
- Creation of stress resiliency
- Reduction of inflammation
- Appropriate hormone balance
Functional Nutrition Therapy helps you lighten the load with individualized weight management that works for life.
New! The Brilliant Brain Program
Replace your "broken" brain with a "Brilliant" one using The Six Pillars of a Healthy Brain
As our environment changes so do our brains. Stress, pollution, poor food, medications, and chronic health issues have increased the occurrence of “broken” brain syndrome: brain fog, depression and anxiety, learning problems and cognitive decline.
The Brilliant Brain Program addresses these issues with the following Six Pillars of a Healthy Brain:
- Upgrading nutrition with Functional Diet Analysis
- Improving sleep and learning how to make it a priority
- Planning healthy, natural movement into every day
- Stress resiliency and creating a “stress oasis”
- Detoxifying your world and your body
- Finding and supporting the social being in all of us
Turn your broken brain into a vibrant, energized “brilliant” brain today with Brain-focused functional nutrition therapy.
Functional Analysis of Laboratory Tests
Analysis of laboratory tests from a “functional” point of view.
Functional Nutrition Therapy Analysis focuses on healthy ranges and patterns in the test scores to establish a baseline of bio-markers and track your health level status.
- Functional Blood Chemistry analysis
- Functional Saliva Hormone Assay analysis
- Functional Stool and GI function analysis
- Bring in your current test results or order lab tests through To Your Health!
*Functional lab test analysis is used in the counseling of nutritional health and are strictly non-diagnostic in nature. They are intended solely and exclusively for instructional purposes only and not as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Get the facts about your health. Real data can help zero in on what benefits you best.
New! Happy, Healthy Hormones
Rebalance your hormones and support a comfortable transition into perimenopause and beyond!
Your body is naturally ready to transition from “baby-making mode” in your 20s and 30s to “clean up mode” in your 4th decade, but our modern lifestyle can make this shift into an uncomfortable roller coaster ride.
Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms:
- Sleep Disturbance
- Unusual Weight Gaint
- GERD, IBS, and celiac disease
- Hot Flashes or night sweats
- Brain fog or mood alterations
- Increased GI symptoms and food reactions
If so, then you could be moving into and through perimenopause and this program is for you.
Phase 1 – Get your body ready for moving from one phase of your life to the next.
- Balance Blood sugar and improve nutrient status
- Improve your sleep
- Support digestion and your microbiome
- Tune up your circadian rhythms
- Support stress resiliency
Phase 2 – Determine what aspects of your metabolism may be causing uncomfortable symptoms
- Adrenal and thyroid health
- Inflammation and immune stress
- Environmental Exposure
- Gastrointestinal dysfunction
Phase 3 – Put it all together for a vibrant and healthy menopause
- Support Optimal Brain Function
- Increase Energy
- Create a robust cardiovascular system
- Improve bones and keep muscle tone
Rebalance your hormonal health through all of your age transitions with personalized nutrition and lifestyle support.
Gastrointestinal Rebalancing and Detox Plan
Healthy GI function is the core of good health as well as a major quality-of-life factor.
This plan will help you determine the root cause of your GI symptoms and restore the system to healthy, pain-free function.
This detoxification plan helps you determine which factors and foods may be causing any of the following symptoms:
- GERD, heartburn and indigestion
- Gas and bloating
- Elimination problems
- IBS and SIBO
- Leaky gut syndrome and food sensitivities
- Carbohydrate malabsorption
We use the Functional Medicine template of the 5-R Program to rebalance and restore perfect GI health.
- Remove problem foods, microbes, and chemicals that are causing symptoms
- Restore robust digestion and absorption
- Repair the gut lining
- Re-inoculate with beneficial and individualized pre- and pro-biotics
- Relax: support stress resiliency to reduce GI inflammation and damage
Get some real relief. A tailored GI Detox functional nutrition therapy plan can make a big difference in your day.
Length of Care and Package Options
Experience increased energy, healthy body composition, pain-free digestion, vibrant immune system, a brilliant brain, and restful sleep.
There are no short cuts on the road to health, but there is a definite path and we are here to guide and support you through your journey. Usually you will begin feeling the fruits of your efforts in three to six months, but you may have years of poor habits to undo and the process may take up to a year or more.
We offer packages in options of 4,6 8 and 12 months. Care Packages are discounted from Kathy's hourly rate.
All programs are custom tailored to your specific needs.
Start feeling better than ever with personal nutrition therapy, diet analysis, and lifestyle healthcare services.
Schedule your Complimentary Consultation with Kathy Westover, MA, MNT, FMCHC today and begin your journey to feeling great. Kathy helps women from all over the country gain insight and get real results from the power of nutrition.
Book your complimentary appointment with Kathy today. Consultations can be either...
• Zoom video call
• Audio only call
Kathy is also available to come to your home for an in-person session for an additional fee.