In January 2007, I was diagnosed with type II diabetes. I was over weight, with blood sugars dangerously high (over three hundred). One of the first things I did was to see a hospital nutritionist, who game me a diet very high in carbohydrates and low in fat and protein. That is apparently the automatic regimen for all type II’s.
Over five months, I lost forty pounds and my blood sugars settled into the one-fifty to one-sixty range. Then for no obvious reason I began to gain weight and I found that I had no energy. My sugars leveled off, but were too high.
I thought I should do better than that, so I tried a national best seller diet. Result? I gained all my weight back, my blood sugars were over two hundred again, and I still had no energy. My doctor changed my diabetes medicine, increased my dosage and finally told me that my last option would be to start injecting insulin.
That happened about the same time that my wife heard about you. I saw you out of desperation. You explained your diet to me and told me what positive signs I should look for.
In four months since I started eating your recommended diet, I have lost twenty pounds slowly and steadily, my energy level is fine and most important to me, my blood sugars are steady between one hundred and one hundred twenty. My doctor is now considering a test to see if I can control my diabetes with diet alone, no more talk of insulin. Following the regimen and diet you set out for me has helped me become healthy again. Thanks for your help.