Lifestyle Healthcare Blog

brain shape filled with words about brain functions

Fixing the Broken Brain: Part One

Don’t you love it when life hands you synchronicity? There is something magical when events converge to change Think yourself healthyyour life…and this is exactly what has happened to me. Two months ago three things happened that, at the time, didn’t seem related: I started a new book on how to improve cognition and brain […]

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salad with carrots, tomatoes, peas, boiled eggs, and seeds

Eating Your Way to Health

When I became a nutritionist ten years ago, I had a big goal: Improve the health of America one plate at a time! I work toward this goal everyday through the classes I teach, my corporate wellness program, and the many clients that I work with on a day-to-day basis. I love to explain how […]

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glowing blue closeup of a microscopic DNA strand

What I Just Learned from Ben Lynch, Part 1

I love to figure out how things work. I have always been like this… I remember getting into big trouble on my 11th Christmas when I completely dismantled the transistor radio that was my “special present” to figure out how it worked. (Unfortunately, I could not figure out how to put it back together again.) […]

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Fort Collins, Colorado, empty hiking trail

A Little Bit About Me

You know what I realized the other day… I don’t think I have ever written about who I am and why I do what I do. My passion in life is to help middle-aged women feel as vibrant and look as fabulous as they did in their thirties. I am “62 years young” and I […]

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woman sleeping on white sheets to your health nutrition

Menopause and Sleep

Menopause and sleep are not always easy to combine. However, good sleep is essential for a healthy menopause. Time waits for no man… or woman, for that matter. We know it every morning when we wake up and look into the mirror and wonder what happened to that twenty-year-old cutie that used to stare back […]

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elderly woman experiencing menopause relief through diet to your health nutrition

Menopause Relief

Turn Your MenoPause into MenoGo Learn how to get menopause relief. You can turn your menopause into menoGoMenopause. Interesting word. The dictionary defines it as “the ceasing of menstruation”. Pretty straightforward; nothing dire or life-threatening. But if you type it in to a word search on web, you come up with medical definitions that involve […]

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